Friday, July 31, 2009

today i found this in my closet:

date night!

the walls in the mall are totally totally tall...

oh dear.

I went to the mall today.

I had to get some stuff for work. Like kitchen stuff and office stuff. I tried to avoid it. I went to many a store outside the mall looking for the goods, but alas I ended up there. Oh mall! Oh lame, sad, small and strangely outfitted Bellingham mall! Your stores are awkwardly far apart from each other. They lack good lighting. Some smell really awful. Oh mall! With screaming children, reeking of popcorn and pretzels. With stores filled with things made in china, meant to fall apart immediately. Oh mall! Your horrid kiosks selling fake hair and real estate. Your massive quantity of cheap teeny bopper slutty boutiques. Oh mall! I missed you. I need you. I almost cried as I passed the strange little store that sells all of it's shoes buy one get one! I literally had to put my head down as I moved through Target, straight to the office section. Target! That giant bulls eye hypnotizing bargain hunting fashionistas. I almost bought furniture, outfits for the house! But I fought that urge as well and slowly walked out, with not even a new purse or earrings...with everything I needed except for dry erase markers in a rainbow of colors. For that I had to go to Office Depot, which is located...gasp! right next door to TJ FLIPPIN' MAXX....oh sigh...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

today i found this in my closet:

Thank you sister Claire for the wonderful donations....the cause appreciates! Turns out one good friend was getting rid of many a good piece of clothing, be warned, I may be living in her old closet for awhile. Wore this one ride downtown for dinner and drinks with sister heidi and boyfriend. Sweating bullets because we are at the very beginning of a NW heat wave...which feels like south Texas on a good day...but to us feels like a sweltering mess of sweaty times. T shirt underneath the gifted dress is from a sale at the'll see it later, no doubt. (no pocket, just hip! gotta prove there is a figure under there! exclamation point exclamation point.)

Not sure why I look so pissed in the picture. Really, truly, happy.


Why do friends decide NOW is the time for epic shopping adventures??? PLEASE!!! IT HURTS TO THINK ABOUT!!! A trip to epic cheap trendy mall time in Burnaby, BC RIGHT NOW???? oh hearts. And AFTER TWO YEARS YOU DECIDE NOW YOU NEED A NEW WORK WARDROBE!!! I mean, congratulations on the promotion and all...but YOU ARE ALL KILLING ME!

gossip girl.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

today i found this in my closet:

I like putting my hands in my pockets!

We are going for a bike ride!

That lovely skirt is something I wear A LOT. It's from the JCrew outlet last Spring. woot. And that radical shirt is probably 3 years old, from this funny antique/jewelry/crap/old tshirt shop in Gastown, up in Vancouver, B.C. Which is what it says. I just now found it in the basket of old tee's to make a blanket out of. I'm stealing it back!

We were going to leave 3 hours ago. But then the Mariners were playing. And then they played LIVE the last inning of a perfect game. WHAT!?!? awesome. AND then Bob Ross was painting you see why it took us so long to leave. But now we are leaving.

So bye!

also. i have to figure out to take foot shots. SHOES!!!

food, clothes, food, clothes, food, clothes.

So in another frugal moment I decided to grocery shop at our local Grocery Outlet, how can you not want to shop at a place with a GIANT rainbow lighting up the nite??? Anyhow. I did good. Love that place. BUT!! They don't just have groceries anymore...they are like RiteAid, slyly slipping in clothing between the frozen egg sandwiches and dented bottles of shampooooo. I was shopping, shopping, shopping, and as I do anytime I shop I made one last round through the store and then I BLACKED OUT. And when I came to I was standing alone fondling a pair of grey yoga pants hanging on a rack right next to the bbq accessories. WHAT?!?!?! IS!?!?! WRONG!?!?!?! WITH!?!?!? ME!?!?!?! It was like I was possessed, I didn't even realize what I was doing. One minute I'm buying green beans and the next I'm am PETTING WORKOUT CLOTHING AT THE FLIPPIN' GROCERY OUTLET. I was just seconds from checking the price tag on 'em when I realized that one, I CAN'T BUY CLOTHES, and then second, I DON'T NEED GROCERY OUTLET YOGA PANTS. whew. I am terrified I am going to arrive home one day with a bag of clothes and not even remember how or where I got is soooo a possibility. I have a problem. And sorry for all the yelling, but really? jeesh.

Amending is better than ending...

Some tweaking to the rules. And not to make it easier for myself...maybe even a little harder. But mostly just clarifications!

1. I CAN buy fabric. However. I must have a specific project in mind, with a set amount of fabric I will need to do said project. I must also finish the skirt I was going to make 3 months ago with the fabric I bought 4 months. If this never happens then I do not get to go buy new fabric. ok? OKEEE?

2. We are going to Austin. AUSTIN???? CAN YOU BELIEVE I CAN'T GO THRIFTING IN AUSTIN TEXAS???? we are going to have to think of something sneaky and frugal. Any suggestions? A gift of cash to be only spent on AMAZING AUSTIN CRAP??? I don't want to cheat. But, oh boy....hmmm.

3. I can MAKE jewelry. But I must use items I already have. Which is surprisingly a lot. Including earring hooks and next time I'm DYING for new earrings the needle nose pliers will be pulled out.

4. Here is a list of necessities that should be the only items I can trade for:
a. Winter coat-I had to get rid of my good winter coat last season because it was way too big and plus, Jesse hated it. It is going to be an El Nino year so I might not even need one by November (crossing fingers) but if the weather gets bad...
b. Costume for Halloween/birthday party. I am going to try not to have to get anything for this. I have the dress already so....(secret birthday/halloween plans will be revealed later!)
c. that's all!!

5. Bras. I have recently purchased a couple of new bras but in a fit of despair our dryer started eating clothes, and in turn tried to eat the clasps off of my bras (I know, I know, my bras shouldn't have even gone in the dryer in the first place, but c'mon I'm no Martha Stewart). Anyways...they are holding strong, I've fixed the clasps to the best of my ability but in case of emergency bra disintergration, and I am talking absolutely unwearability, I am allowing myself to buy ONE and only ONE. (a new one, not a used one, with my assets somebody else's already stretched out undies will not be sufficient) IN CASE OF EMERGENCY ONLY!!!!

I think that is all for you think this is fair? Should I be tougher on myself? hrmf.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

today i found this in my closet:

good thing i bought shorts at old navy for $1.99 in JANUARY. They are my only shorts. boom! also good thing I bought a GIGANTIC strange fitting beige t shirt for two dolla summin at Urban Outfitters LAST YEAR AND NEVER WORE UNTIL RIGHT NOW. this picture actually does the shirt justice. strange. I went with simple. Cuz I haven't ran out of clothes yet. Give me a month and these outfits are gonna be wicked crazy. Right now they are a little wicked sane.

oh yeah! the belt is thrifted value village style. word. is this an outfit even worth posting? yes. because i've never worn it and it was in my closet. right...that's like the whole point. righhhhtttt..

Friendliest weather, friendiest day!


I am going to get on my bike and lolly gag my way downtown to meet my favorite person whom I haven't seen in like over a month which is silly because she is a five minute bike ride away.

I get to wear real clothes!

only it's 90 degrees out there (with a nice breeze though, stop imagining tucson heat).

90 degrees=limited outfits.

First I am going to water my tomatoes and then I am going to shower and then I will come back and show you what I picked out! yes!

Potage des vêtements.

Did I realize before that most of my brain space is taken up by clothes space? nah. If my brain were a closet I'd be competing big time with Mariah Carey (mtv cribs yo.)
That is for real. Do not adjust your television sets sirs. This is really happening. Hi Mariah!

Good thing all I do these days is go to work in khaki and white and lay around in the sun in old tank tops and husbands underwear (boxers, thanks). Not a bad life. Sort of fearing when I actually have some place to go. Will I panic? Will I fail?

To quench the shopping thirst I drink in food stuff. I went on a book buying spree. And by spree I mean 2 books, both about fooooood! Did you know that in the summertime our stupid libraries are closed on Sundays??? There should be a clothes library...isn't there one? A bag borrowing thing or something? I will research and get back to you. Anyways!!! I'm FINALLY reading My Life in France, Julia Child's autobiography. swoon. suhwoon. I hope that somewhere in my closet (the real one, not the one in my brain) I have a long skirt, a patterned polyester button up blouse, and canvas shoes to wear in her honor as I whip up a little Bœuf bourguignon for Julia's birthday in August. If I don't, can I borrow yours???

Sunday, July 19, 2009

if only you could wear your asparagus.

doing some 'finances' over here.

maybe we should not buy food for three months also.

or maybe we should only buy food we can also wear.

Can I buy fabric?


Saturday, July 18, 2009

do you dream in shoes? i do.

NINE DOLLLARSSSS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!

These are socks with floppy metallic details. they are SEVEEEENN DOLLAS!

So I had this really great idea to discover some CRAZY inexpensive online store right at the beginning of this silly experiment. What? oh dear. At these prices the crap could fall apart after one wearing and it would still be worth it.

Also, spent the weekend with very fashionable friends, all of them seemed to be wearing brand new shoes. Or had brand new bags. I can see myself getting pretty darn preachy about this whole thing...stop me if I do. Cause it will all be out of jealousy.

Also, I have some old credit left over at a consignment shop here in town. I sold some clothes there once or twice but have never really found anything I liked in the store, thus forgetting I had the credit. So I have about $30 to spend by July 31st. This falls into my rules. So I go check it out, I figure I should get a winter coat if I can, a necessity really. Turns out this store still sucks. Turns out the owner only buys things that are incredibly thread bare, faded, and pilled. Turns out she has the worst taste in clothes ever. I tell her about my experiment. I tell her how some people don't think it's that big of a deal to go three months without shopping, and how others are convinced no one should ever put themselves through that torture. And you know what her reaction was? Do you have any idea what this CLOTHING STORE OWNER had to say about it? She climbed way up high on her soap box and starting ranting about how people have too much stuff, and everyone should stop shopping so much, and she knows how many crap clothes people collect because they take the stuff to her to sell. If you don't want to run a clothing store, don't start a clothing store. harumf. Needless to say, and of course I will still say it, I left the store without buying anything and with dreams of starting my own consignment store dancing in my head....

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The small print.

July 14th 2009-November 2nd 2009.

This is how long I will go without buying new clothes.

The rules are as follows:

1. You cannot buy anything related to attire: no accessories, no shoes, and no clothing.
2. You can receive gifts of clothing or accessories.
3. You can trade current clothing/accessories (now known as c/a) for other c/a. But no money shall be exchanged.
4. These rules should not be broken under any circumstance,not a wedding, a vacation, or even a new job.
5. This will last until your 30th birthday, on November 2nd 2009.
6. You can purchase a new home in this time, the ultimate accessory.

The rules, subject to change are as posted. My heart is racing and I feel tears welling up. I could really use a pair of black skinny jeans....oh dear, what have I gotten myself into?

Truth or consequence.

Man, unlike any other thing organic or inorganic in the universe, grows beyond his work, walks up the stairs of his concepts, emerges ahead of his accomplishments.
~The Grapes of Wrath

If most of us are ashamed of shabby clothes and shoddy furniture, let us be more ashamed of shabby ideas and shoddy philosophies.... It would be a sad situation if the wrapper were better than the meat wrapped inside it. ~Albert Einstein

People seldom notice old clothes if you wear a big smile. ~Lee Mildon

Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends.... Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts. ~Henry David Thoreau

Distrust any enterprise that requires new clothes. ~Henry David Thoreau, Walden

Women usually love what they buy, yet hate two-thirds of what is in their closets. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic's Notebook, 1960

Why is it considered seductive for women to wear beautiful clothes? Wouldn't it make more sense to wear something so ugly that a guy couldn't wait to take it off you? ~Flash Rosenberg