These are socks with floppy metallic details. they are SEVEEEENN DOLLAS!
So I had this really great idea to discover some CRAZY inexpensive online store right at the beginning of this silly experiment. What? oh dear. At these prices the crap could fall apart after one wearing and it would still be worth it.
Also, spent the weekend with very fashionable friends, all of them seemed to be wearing brand new shoes. Or had brand new bags. I can see myself getting pretty darn preachy about this whole thing...stop me if I do. Cause it will all be out of jealousy.
Also, I have some old credit left over at a consignment shop here in town. I sold some clothes there once or twice but have never really found anything I liked in the store, thus forgetting I had the credit. So I have about $30 to spend by July 31st. This falls into my rules. So I go check it out, I figure I should get a winter coat if I can, a necessity really. Turns out this store still sucks. Turns out the owner only buys things that are incredibly thread bare, faded, and pilled. Turns out she has the worst taste in clothes ever. I tell her about my experiment. I tell her how some people don't think it's that big of a deal to go three months without shopping, and how others are convinced no one should ever put themselves through that torture. And you know what her reaction was? Do you have any idea what this CLOTHING STORE OWNER had to say about it? She climbed way up high on her soap box and starting ranting about how people have too much stuff, and everyone should stop shopping so much, and she knows how many crap clothes people collect because they take the stuff to her to sell. If you don't want to run a clothing store, don't start a clothing store. harumf. Needless to say, and of course I will still say it, I left the store without buying anything and with dreams of starting my own consignment store dancing in my head....
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